Frequently Asked Questions

> FAQ:  General · Files · Keys · Confidants

FAQ - General

Q: What is encryption?

Encryption is the act of rendering information unreadable (put into code) to all parties, except those with the means to decrypt.

Q: Why do I need to encrypt?

Your files are under attack...hackers, viruses, email scanning, cloud breach. Encryption is the best defense.

Q: What is an encryption key?

An encryption key is a "seed" or input that determines the encrypted output generated with the encryption algorithm.

Q: Is KodeFile free?

Yes, KodeFile is free for basic personal use.

Q: Do I have to be online to use KodeFile?

Yes, you must be connected to the internet and signed in.

Q: Why do I have to create a "KodeName"?

Your KodeName is your primary username and how you identify yourself to other members.

FAQ - Files

Q:  What kind of files can I encrypt?

Any and all types of files can be encrypted.

Q:  How do I know which files are encrypted?

Each encrypted file will end with the extension ".kode".

Q:  Are my files safe?

Yes, your files are encrypted with military-grade encryption (AES-256).

Q:  Are my files private?

Yes, KodeFile never possesses your files, nor knows their contents. All encryption occurs locally on your computer.

Q:  Does KodeFile store and share my files for me?

No, only you store and share your files.

Q:  When I encrypt a file, does it destroy the original source file?

No, it produces a separate encrypted version of the source file.  You are responsible for managing your source and encrypted files.

FAQ - Keys

Q:  Do I ever create my own encryption keys?

No, KodeFile generates all the keys for you.

Q:  Why can’t I see the keys?  Why are they secret?

Secrecy ensures keys are never exposed and never shared with unauthorized recipients.

Q:  Can I always have access to my keys?

Yes, as long as you have an active account, you can always decrypt any file of which you are the Key Owner.

Q:  Do my keys ever expire or get deleted?

As long as you have an active account, your keys never expire nor get deleted. Upon deleting your account, you keys are deleted.

Q:  Are my keys safe? Why trust KodeFile with the keys?

You can trust KodeFile with the keys because KodeFile never possesses your files and thus can never access them.

Q: Why do I share the keys?

Sharing the keys controls who decrypts.  If you have shared a key, KodeFile sends the key and decrypts the file.

Q: Who can I share keys with?

You can share your keys with any KodeFile member (Confidants) and soon-to-be members (Invitee Confidants) by entering their email address.

Q: Do I share the keys for all my files?

You only need to share the keys for the files that you share.  Your recipients need the keys to decrypt.

Q: Can I share a key after I encrypted a file?

Yes, you can share or unshare the keys of any existing encrypted file. You just need to have the physical file.

Q: If I unshare a key, is it immediate?

It is immediate. However, if a member's decrypt request reaches us before your unshare request, the key will have been shared and the file decrypted.

Q: What is 'Unshare All' keys?

Unshare All globally revokes all the personal keys you ever shared with a Confidant. You don't need the physical files to Unshare All. Unshare All is available on desktop only.

FAQ - Confidants

Q: What is a Confidant?

Confidants are anyone with whom you share keys. Learn More

Q: What is my Confidants List?

Your Confidants List is where your store and organize your Confidants.

Q: How can I search for members to add to my Confidants List?

You can search by Full Name (First Last), KodeName, Email Address or Enterprise Name.

Q: Can I add non-members to my Confidant List?

Yes, search by Email Address and add the person as an "Invitee" Confidant.

Q: What is a Confidant Group?

As a convenience, you can organize favorite or frequent Confidants into groups on your Confidants List.

Q: What are the different types of Confidants?

Personal Member, Enterprise Agent, Enterprise Main-Circle (all Agents), Enterprise Inner-Circle (specific Agents), or Invitee.

Q: What are the different icons?

Member_45x45 Personal Member

Agent_45x45 Enterprise Agent

ECircle_45x45 Enterprise Main-Circle

ICircle_45x45 Enterprise Inner-Circle

Email_45x45 Invitee

Group_45x45 Confidant Group
